Archive for februari 14, 2009

As long as we have a plan.. any plan..

After having read the Pickens Plan for the energy future in America, I found (yet) another energy-plan for the US: the Pottle Plan. I wouldn’t bother browsing the slow website, just skip to the pdf-presentation for the details.

Quick reminder, Mr. Pickens said 3 things:
1) Reduce oil imports by 33% in the next 10 years
2) Shift the electrical power production from natural gas plants to wind farms (approx. 20%)
3) Use compressed natural gas (CNG) instead of oil (“coming from countries that don’t even like us”) to fuel the majority of cars and trucks

Even without discussing his hidden agenda, the plan is – to say the least – bold and slightly over the top. However: nothing ever changes if no-one makes a move, and reviewing his career in the oil industry, you can’t claim Mr. Pickens doesn’t know how to make a daring plan work.

Unfortunately, a new player is trying to take out the Pickens Plan: meet the Pottle plan. I haven’t had the time to read his proposition entirely, but here are some first remarks while scanning the presentation:
1) “We have a strong domestic oil and gas industry that should be grown through new drilling, technology, etc.” (drilling is the solution to every problem?)
2) “ANWR and offshore both coasts must be explored for oil and gas” (ANWR is the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge)
3) “Construct and operate large scale coal to liquids plant to prove technology” (so wind turbines are too expensive, although the technology is proven, but coal to liquid fuel will give them a run for their money)
4) “Fund Pilot testing of Oil Shale technologies” (the environmental impact of non-conventional oil extraction from tar sands or oil shale is sky-high)

I could go on for hours talking about why I disagree with the Pottle Plan, but I’m looking forward to your reactions on this proposal!

februari 14, 2009 at 10:15 am 2 reacties



februari 2009